IoT Tech Expo: Accelerating sustainability with satellites

During this year’s IoT Tech Expo North America, we heard from Jat Brainch, Chief Commercial and Digital Officer at Inmarsat, about how satellites can accelerate sustainability.

Satellite technology has emerged as a powerful tool in driving sustainability efforts across various sectors. From revolutionising agriculture practices to reducing carbon emissions, satellites offer immense potential in advancing environmental goals.

In Australia, for instance, Inmarsat’s...

Vodafone Connected Consumer 2030: How smart tech will transform our world

Vodafone held an event to celebrate the launch of a new report exploring how “smart technology will fundamentally transform our experience of the world in the next decade.”

The report, Connected Consumer 2030, was conducted by The FutureLaboratory on behalf of Vodafone.

An opening video at the start of the event highlighted the challenges we face—geopolitical tensions, climate change, strained healthcare systems, depleting resources, and more. It’s a pretty bleak...

Inmarsat provides satellite IoT connectivity for rural hydroelectric power stations

Satellite operator Inmarsat is providing IoT connectivity for rural hydroelectric power stations in Wales.

The RWE-owned power stations in the mountainous region of Snowdonia in northwest Wales harness water to generate renewable electricity.

Snowdonia is the wettest area in Wales, with average annual rainfall totals exceeding 3000mm—making the region comparable to the English Lake District or the western Highlands of Scotland.

The region is an ideal location...

Steven Drewett, Concept13: On picking robust IoT solutions to address modern challenges

Modern life is full of challenges that are testing us as businesses, as individuals, and even as humankind. The IoT is all about providing decision-makers with faster and more valuable data to address such challenges now and in the future.

Concept13 is an IoT strategy consultancy with vast experience crafting bespoke solutions for multiple industries. The company mixes its own knowledge with real-world testing and even RF mapping to ensure optimal deployments on a case-by-case...

The role of IoT in fuelling the EV charging revolution

Securing net carbon emissions by 2030

With COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference, taking place in Glasgow in November, the spotlight is on the UK government to accelerate work already underway towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Primarily, the goal of COP26 is to secure global net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century and keep the target of restricting temperature rise to 1.5 degrees within reach. To achieve this goal, the...

Urban-Air Port and Hyundai are building 65 electric airports for cleaner travel

A partnership between UK startup Urban-Air Port and Hyundai will result in the creation of 65 electric airports for cleaner urban air travel.

Transport is one of the biggest polluters but is essential for logistics, work, and leisure. While consumers and businesses are increasingly converting to electric ground vehicles, air travel remains a carbon-intensive industry.

Urban-Air Port is among the leading innovators working to develop the infrastructure required to launch...

The IoT could help the UK cut 17.4M tonnes of CO2

A report from Vodafone and WPI Economics has found that emerging technologies like the IoT and 5G could help the UK cut 17.4 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

Earlier this year, the UK enshrined in law a target to slash carbon emissions by 78 percent by 2035 as part of a bid to achieve net-zero by 2050. Achieving the UK’s target, and hopefully exceeding it, will require taking advantage of every possible tool.

Susanne Baker, Associate Director, Climate, Environment and...

Smart cities will help fight climate change but more awareness is needed

Smart cities will be key in tackling climate change, but research suggests that public awareness of that fact is low.

According to research from Milestone Systems, 80 percent of Brits want their local authority to take more action to fight climate change. 230 councils in the UK have already declared a climate emergency in their regions.

However, under half (47%) of Brits are aware that increased use of data and technology can help in delivering improvements that can...

DHL is building the first all-electric air cargo network

Logistics giant DHL has announced plans to build the world’s first all-electric air cargo network in partnership with Seattle-based Eviation.

World leaders are set to gather in Glasgow, UK in November for the UN Climate Change Conference where it’s hoped the international community can agree on national measures to help address the global crisis. However, individual businesses will also need to take action for any meaningful impact.

As of 2016, heavy transportation...

Dryad Networks launches Silvanet IoT solution for ultra-early wildfire detection

Environmental startup Dryad Networks has launched Silvanet, its large-scale IoT network for the ultra-early detection of wildfires.

Wildfires are devastating, not just for the lives and habitats they destroy, but also for the long-term damage they cause through massive CO2 emissions while simultaneously destroying the vegetation that lowers carbon.

The US alone is suffering its worst wildfire season in a decade and the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire season was the second...