Eclipse Foundation’s Sparkplug IIoT spec becomes ISO standard

The Eclipse Foundation announced Tuesday that its Sparkplug specification for industrial IoT (IIoT) connectivity has been published as an ISO/IEC international standard, a move that should accelerate its adoption.

Sparkplug, which enables different industrial systems to seamlessly share data, is now known as ISO/IEC 20237. It passed through the ISO fast-track process for standards developed externally. The Eclipse Foundation will continue to maintain Sparkplug.


Eclipse: IoT and edge computing adoption is accelerating

The latest IoT and edge computing survey from the Eclipse Foundation highlights that enterprises are putting their foot on the accelerator in terms of adoption.

47 percent of respondents have already deployed IoT solutions while an additional 39 percent plan to do so within the next 12-24 months.

Edge computing adoption is also subsequently increasing as organisations look for increased performance from their devices including reduced latency, improved security and...