Jat Brainch, Inmarsat: On tackling modern challenges with next-gen connectivity

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The IoT can help to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, but only with reliable connectivity.

IoT News caught up with Jat Brainch, Chief Commercial and Digital Officer at Inmarsat, to discuss how the company is using its next-gen communications network to tackle modern challenges.

IoT News: What are some of the key challenges of IoT deployments and how is Inmarsat helping to overcome them?

Jat Brainch: The undisputable benefits of IoT...

Natali Tshuva, Sternum: On ‘future-proof’ IoT security

Sternum is using patented technology to protect IoT devices against even unknown vulnerabilities in real-time.

The company was co-founded by Natali Tshuva, who was recognised for her talents from an early age and was handpicked at 19 to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces’ 8200 unit (the equivalent of the MI6 in the UK or the NSA in the US.) She then went on to hold numerous high-level cybersecurity roles before founding Sternum.

IoT News caught up with Natali to...

Brian Cerchio, Losant: On fully tapping the IoT’s potential

IoT News caught up with Brian Cerchio, Director of Solutions at Losant, to discuss how enterprises can fully tap the IoT’s potential.

One of the first examples of the IoT was in the early 80s when students from Carnegie Mellon University’s computer science department connected a Coke machine so people could track whether drinks were available and how cold they are.

The capabilities of connected devices – including Coke machines – have come a long way since...

Steven Drewett, Concept13: On picking robust IoT solutions to address modern challenges

Modern life is full of challenges that are testing us as businesses, as individuals, and even as humankind. The IoT is all about providing decision-makers with faster and more valuable data to address such challenges now and in the future.

Concept13 is an IoT strategy consultancy with vast experience crafting bespoke solutions for multiple industries. The company mixes its own knowledge with real-world testing and even RF mapping to ensure optimal deployments on a case-by-case...

Paul Zimski, VP of Product, Automox: On keeping up with endpoint security

Keeping pace with increasing cybersecurity threats is more important than ever. The rapid proliferation of IoT devices and their historically poor security practices have made them key targets while changing working practices unlocks new opportunities but also threats.

In this interview with Paul Zimski, VP of Product at Automox, IoT News tapped the company’s expertise in endpoint security to gain insights into how to keep up with such evolving threats.

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