Eseye: ‘Sub-standard connectivity’ is jeopardising IoT success

Eseye’s latest State of IoT Adoption report has exposed that “sub-standard connectivity” is jeopardising project success for enterprises.

The study, conducted by independent research organisation Opinion Matters, involved 1,009 senior decision-makers in the UK and US across various sectors and explored challenges, opportunities, and budget forecasts for the next two years.

Eseys’s report disclosed that just one percent of respondents managed to achieve...

Eseye ‘State of IoT Adoption’ report highlights deployment challenges

Eseye has released a report examining the state of IoT adoption and the challenges enterprises are facing.

76 percent of UK respondents said their IoT project was “at best” only somewhat successful. That’s not exactly an encouraging report for a technology that’s been hyped as driving huge efficiency improvements and generating massive amounts of value.

Despite the lack of resounding success in current deployments, 85 percent of the UK respondents said that the...