IoT Tech Expo: How the IoT is shaping the future of rail

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During a session at this year’s IoT Tech Expo North America, the audience heard from Joffrey Lauthier, VP of Transit and Rail at WSP, about how IoT technologies are shaping the future of rail.

Positioning vehicles accurately and ensuring their safety is a critical aspect of transportation systems. To achieve this, a variety of sensors and technologies are used.

One technology that has been widely used for positioning vehicles for decades is one we’re all familiar...

Jat Brainch, Inmarsat: On tackling modern challenges with next-gen connectivity

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The IoT can help to solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges, but only with reliable connectivity.

IoT News caught up with Jat Brainch, Chief Commercial and Digital Officer at Inmarsat, to discuss how the company is using its next-gen communications network to tackle modern challenges.

IoT News: What are some of the key challenges of IoT deployments and how is Inmarsat helping to overcome them?

Jat Brainch: The undisputable benefits of IoT...