Ansys Semiconductor Simulation - Semiconductor Yield Analysis Software
Even the largest finFET integrated circuits (ICs) and 3D/2.5D multi-die systems can benefit from Ansys cloud-native solutions, which have unrivalled capacity. With foundry-certified golden signoff verification, these powerful multiphysics analysis and verification tools minimise power consumption, increase performance and reliability, and lower project risk.
Features :
- Analyzing and modelling power integrity (EM/IR) in digital and analogue architectures with RedHawk-SC and Totem-SC.
- 2.5D/3D multi-die systems electrothermal analysis
- Path FX's variable-aware path timing
- PathFinder-SC analyses electrostatic discharge (ESD) and dependability
- RTL power analysis and reduction with PowerArtist
- On-silicon electromagnetic analysis and modeling with RaptorH, Pharos, Exalto, and VeloceRF
- Cloud-native elastic compute architecture for full-chip capacity
Ansys Semiconductor Products
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